Thursday, June 16, 2005

Goforth + reuben Morgan concert..afterthoughts

learnt so much today; can't think of where to start cause God just opened my eyes to His purposes; his work and most importantly, to His glory so abundantly. the day started with the goforth missions conference- and honestly, went there feeling a bit weary, dry spritually; unsure of what was going to be preached about missions. missions- i used to think i knew all about missions- what else? to spread God's word to the unreached lar + going to some part of the globe where few people have ventured + needs lots of commitment etc.

was just going on with the motion of taking notes till I heard something which I knew about missions, but had forgotten for a long time-- Missions is not about whether i want to serve Him, but rather it is a COMMISSION from Him. Missions is not about whether I can handle the potential challenges and persecution i might face in the field, but learning to COMMIT first and then leaving the rest to God's hands and trusting in his sovereignty. Missions is NOT ABOUT ME, but about HIM. a story about a Chinese woman who was intially skeptical about mission work in China, but in the end left her province immediately after prayer for the field of missions cause she felt God's calling so strongly struck me. Am i ready to give up everything to do God's work? Right here right now if He were to call me to accomplish his mission?

Felt God telling me throughout worship today to give up all my desires to Him. to just leave the 'water jar' at the well, to leave my burdens at his feet, to worship Him alone and not the distractions in my life. Can I? I need strength from you Lord.

The prayer session further showed me how fortunate i am to be able to worship Him so freely without persecution right here at home. As we prayed for the Mien, Lunis, Shan, Pulaungic people, was touched by how God was working in the countries and people despite the physical and spiritual barriers and strongholds.
Sometimes we tend to take our time spent wth God in Singapore for granted, myself included. We comment about how things are not turning the way we hope they are in church; worship, lack of membership etc. yet when u see the passion that those people have for God in the midst of persecution, one is able to simply appreciate and be contented with what we already possess- a sizable Christian community, no restriction of no of churches, bibles printed and sold freely, sound and strong leadership, little or no language barriers. so much to be thankful for-yet in this age of globalization and modernization, we tend to forget there are others out there not as fortunate as we are; and who are suffering for His glory. Are we getting too comfortable? It has been said that persecution creates purity in the church- perhaps we should experience some of that. haa. i wouldn't want to .but i pray that there will be revival in not only our local churches but also that of the region.

aniwaez, worship with reuben morgan was great! it was rare that the church actually invited a 'big shot' in a way like him to lead the church in a time of worship. was glad amy was touched by the Holy Spirit during worship. Praise God! was just reminded of His love for me throughout worship- and to give myself unreservedly to Him and His will. To be obedient so that He may grant me greater things. Not too sure what I want right now and what is hindering me from submitting my all to Him at this point of time.

Lord refresh my heart. Help me to know what your will is for me. I want to live for you alone. For your Glory.

Into your hand, I commit again.
All I am, for You, Lord.
You hold my world, in the palm of your hand.
And I am Yours forever, Jesus.
Jesus, I believe in You
Jesus, I belong to You.
You're the reason that I live,
The reason that I sing,
With all I am.


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